Job seekers now can sit for BCS exam 4-time: advisory council

Photo: BSS.

“A candidate will now be able to sit for the BCS examination up to a maximum of four times,”


Publisted at 8:37 PM, Thu Oct 31st, 2024

From now a job seekers will be able to sit for Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) examinations up to a maximum of four times.

 “A candidate will now be able to sit for the BCS examination up to a maximum of four times,” according to a press release of the Cabinet Division issued here today.

The decision was taken during a meeting of the advisory council held at Chief Adviser’s office today with Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus in the chair, said the release.  

The release said that in line with the ‘Maximum Age Limit Ordinance, 2024’ for direct recruitment in government, autonomous, semi-autonomous, and constitutionally established government authorities, as well as public non-financial corporations and self-governing bodies-- the Ministry of Public Administration has been instructed to amend the ‘Bangladesh Civil Service (Age, Qualifications, and Direct Recruitment Examination) Rules, 2014’ in accordance with the powers granted under Section 59 of the "Government Service Act, 2018,"


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