Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has issued special traffic directives to ensure smooth vehicular movement as the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement will hold its "March for Unity" programme at the Central Shaheed Minar on Tuesday (31 December).
In a press release issued on Monday (30 December), the DMP outlined detailed instructions for vehicles travelling to the Shaheed Minar area from different districts.
According to the directives, vehicles entering Dhaka through Gabtoli are advised to park at Manik Mia Avenue or the old trade fair ground in Agargaon.
Similarly, vehicles arriving via the Sayedabad and Jatrabari entry points should be parked at the Dhaka University playground or within the university campus area.
Those entering through Abdullahpur are instructed to park in the 300 Feet area.
The DMP further urged everyone attending the event to cooperate fully in maintaining a congestion-free Dhaka and ensuring efficient traffic management.