HC verdict on 15th amendment today

The legitimacy of the 15th Amendment, which abolished the caretaker government system, will be decided by the High Court today

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 9:18 AM, Tue Dec 17th, 2024

The High Court's dual bench, comprising Justice Farah Mahbub and Justice Debashish Roy Chowdhury, will announce the verdict on Tuesday (17 December), on the validity of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution, which removed the caretaker government system.

On 4 December, hearings concluded regarding two writ petitions challenging the legitimacy of the 15th Amendment. Several organisations, including the BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami, became parties to the petitions.

The majority voiced support for reinstating the caretaker government system.

The 15th Amendment to the Constitution, enacted on 30 June 2011 under the Awami League government, definitively removed the provision for a caretaker government.

Additionally, the amendment introduced a provision for capital punishment for treason if state power is seized unlawfully.

The amendment also modified election timelines, stipulating that elections must be held within 90 days after the end of parliament's tenure, as opposed to the previous provision which required elections to be held in the 90 days preceding the end of the tenure.

In total, the 15th Amendment incorporated 55 changes, both major and minor, into the constitution.

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