100 metric tonnes of rice imported from India via Banglabandha Land Port

100 metric tonnes of atap rice were imported from India on Sunday, with the shipment facilitated by Salma Trading of Chattogram

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 10:54 AM, Mon Dec 9th, 2024

A consignment of 100 metric tonnes of atap rice was imported into Bangladesh from India via the Banglabandha Land Port in Panchagarh on Sunday (8 December), said Abul Kalam Azad, Manager of Banglabandha Landport Limited.

The rice was imported through the C&F (Clearing and Forwarding) agent Prohor International, represented by Jahangir Alam, on behalf of Salma Trading, a Chattogram-based importing firm owned by Samsul Alam.

Speaking on the matter, Abul Kalam Azad stated, “While the majority of imports through this port comprise stone, various goods and commodities are imported and exported subject to government approval. In this context, 100 metric tonnes of atap rice arrived from India on Sunday afternoon via four trucks.”

According to Kamrul Hasan, a Panchagarh-based businessman involved in transportation, 70 metric tonnes of rice were dispatched to the importer’s establishment on Sunday due to a shortage of cargo trucks. The remaining 30 metric tonnes are scheduled to be transported today.

Port authorities revealed that this is not the first instance of rice importation through Banglabandha. Earlier, on 26 November, Al Amin Enterprise, another importing firm, brought in 100 metric tonnes of atap rice from India through the same C&F agent, Prohor International.

The recent activity at the Banglabandha Land Port underscores its growing importance as a gateway for cross-border trade and commodity exchange between Bangladesh and India.

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