Interest-free loans and financial aid provided to imams, muezzins

For the 2024-25 fiscal year, Tk1.8 crore has been distributed as interest-free loans among 600 imams and muezzins

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 3:35 PM, Mon Mar 24th, 2025

The Ministry of Religious Affairs is offering interest-free microloans and financial aid to imams and muezzins nationwide through the Imam-Muezzin Welfare Trust.

According to a press release issued on Monday, these benefits are available to those who have completed training at the Imam Training Academy under the Islamic Foundation.

For the 2024-25 fiscal year, Tk1.8 crore has been distributed as interest-free loans among 600 imams and muezzins. Additionally, Tk2.31 crore has been allocated as financial aid for 4,620 imams and muezzins nationwide.

So far, Tk14.75 lakh has been distributed among 295 beneficiaries in Dhaka district, with the disbursement of the remaining funds currently in progress. In total, Tk4.11 crore is being allocated for these two welfare initiatives this fiscal year.

Established in 2001, the Imam-Muezzin Welfare Trust aims to provide financial support to imams and muezzins facing hardship due to accidents, disabilities, or serious illnesses.

It also extends aid to the families of deceased imams and muezzins and offers educational support for their children.