
Gazipur BNP groups clash over garments scrap business, causing explosions and traffic chaos


A violent clash between two rival BNP factions erupted in Gazipur's Shreepur over a jute business dispute, involving explosions, gunfire, and vehicle vandalism, causing traffic disruption on the Dhaka-Mymensingh Highway

District Correspondent

Publisted at 4:29 PM, Wed Sep 25th, 2024

A violent clash erupted between two rival groups of the BNP on the Dhaka-Mymensingh Highway in Shreepur, Gazipur, centring on a jute business associated with a factory.

The altercation involved explosions of crude bombs and gunfire, resulting in the vandalism of several vehicles.

"The incident occurred on Wednesday (25 September) morning in front of SQ Celsius Limited, a ready-made garment factory located in the Beraderchala area of Shreepur Municipality Ward No. 7," said Shreepur Police Station OC Zainal Abedin.

The confrontation led to the blockage of traffic on the Dhaka-Mymensingh Highway, causing significant congestion.

According to eyewitnesses and locals present at the scene, Md Palash, a member of the convening committee of the Gazipur District Jubo Dal, entered the factory premises of SQ Celsius Limited with a vehicle to retrieve jute for Chanchal Enterprise, owned by his father, Shahjahan.

However, supporters of Abul Kalam Azad, convenor of the District Krishak Dal, confronted them with makeshift weapons, leading to a violent altercation.

The conflict escalated with the explosion of several crude bombs, gunfire, and the vandalisation of vehicles on the highway, followed by an hour-long chase and counter-chase between the two groups.

Local hotel owner Anisur Rahman described the chaos, stating, “Suddenly, around a thousand people from both sides launched an attack from opposite directions, wielding machetes, sticks, and knives. Several crude bombs exploded, creating panic, and we had to close our shops in fear.”

Md Palash, a member of the Jubo Dal’s convening committee, stated, “Through Chanchal Enterprise, we have been conducting legal business with SQ Celsius Limited. At around 10:30 am today, as we attempted to retrieve jute from the factory, supporters of Abul Kalam, convenor of the District Krishak Dal, attacked us with makeshift weapons and injured our people. They also detonated several crude bombs.”

However, Abul Kalam Azad, the convenor of the District Krishak Dal, denied any involvement, stating, “I am currently in Dhaka and have no connection with this incident. I have no knowledge of who instigated the attack.”

Zainal Abedin, an officer from the Human Resources Department of SQ Celsius Limited, said, “Chanchal Enterprise is engaged in legitimate jute trading with us. Today, a clash occurred between two groups in front of the factory.”

OC Zainal Abedin of Shreepur Police Station added, “A clash broke out between two BNP groups over the jute business linked to the factory. Police were dispatched to the scene, and we have confirmed the detonation of several crude bombs. The situation is now under control.”

Additional Superintendent of Police in Gazipur Mirajul Islam, stated that gunfire occurred during the clash and assured that an investigation would be conducted.


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