
BNP activists gather in front of Nayapaltan central office for rally


BNP leaders and activists, along with supporters from allied organisations, have started marching towards the party's central office in Dhaka to join a rally marking International Democracy Day, displaying flags and banners with images of party figures and negative headlines about the ruling government

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 2:35 PM, Tue Sep 17th, 2024

Laders and activists from various BNP-affiliated organisations are arriving in large processions to participate in a rally organised by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).

BNP activists and leaders from Dhaka City began marching towards the central office of the BNP to attend the rally on Tuesday (17 September).

A digital display has been installed behind the stage, prominently featuring images of the party’s founder Ziaur Rahman, Chairperson Khaleda Zia, and acting Chairman Tarique Rahman.

The display also shows negative news headlines about the Awami League government from the past 15 years.

Meanwhile, BNP members and supporters from different areas of the capital are gathering at the rally site in smaller groups, carrying both the national flag of Bangladesh and the party’s flag.


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