
Bangladesh enters 2025 amid calls for unity and reform

Photo: BSS


Bangladesh bids farewell to a tumultuous 2024, entering 2025 with aspirations for democratic reforms, national unity, and accountability amidst the echoes of a transformative revolution

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 1:08 PM, Wed Jan 1st, 2025

The politically eventful year of 2024 concluded with a historic rally, the "March for Unity", at Dhaka’s Shaheed Minar on the last day of December.

Leaders of the anti-discrimination student movement called for drafting the July Revolution’s declaration by 15 January to present it to the nation.

As students prepared the declaration at the year’s end, the interim government announced its intention to collaborate with all political parties and stakeholders to finalise the document.

Despite delays, this approach aims to foster coordination and national consensus.

Meanwhile, political parties have been vocally demanding elections in the year’s closing days.

Various commissions established by the government are actively working, potentially offering a roadmap for reforms across diverse sectors.

After navigating the revolutionary turbulence of July and August, Bangladesh faces three major challenges in 2025.

First is the demand for reforms and change by revolution-associated students and citizens. 

Second is the call for elections by political parties. Bridging these expectations with a consensus represents the crucial third dimension of this tripartite challenge.

The dawn of 2025 carries a sense of renewed hope despite these challenges.

The interim government, political and social forces, and civil society have collectively pledged to overcome obstacles and seize emerging opportunities to propel the nation toward new heights.

Observers note that following the dramatic shift in power, demands for accountability and reform gained prominence.

Addressing Bangladesh’s democratic challenges, particularly election-related issues and governance flaws, has become a priority to prevent the recurrence of despotism and misrule.

Additionally, there is a renewed call to eradicate societal and political divisions, strengthen bonds of fraternity, and establish consensus on fundamental political matters.

Chief Adviser Dr Yunus expressed commitment to upholding the sacrifices of countless martyrs and the freedom gained through the people’s July-August uprising against fascism.

"We vow to serve the nation’s welfare with dedication and to counter any threats of terrorism," he stated, urging a collective effort to ensure justice, equality, and human dignity in the transformative phase of 2025.

The general populace also yearns for a nation free of oppression, corruption, and misgovernance. They envision a society where every citizen’s voice matters and democracy flourishes.

National Citizens’ Committee, formed by leaders of the anti-discrimination student movement, has announced plans to establish a new political party, expected to launch soon.

This development could reshape the political landscape in 2025. However, questions linger about whether the new entity will emerge as a meaningful political force or resemble past "King’s Parties" with limited impact.

The overarching priority for 2025 remains achieving a balance between the revolutionary aspirations for reform and the political demand for elections. Establishing national consensus on these issues is imperative.

Events of 2024, marked by profound political experiences and sacrifices, will undoubtedly resonate in the collective memory.

However, they also inspire a renewed determination to work towards peace, harmony, and the restoration of multi-party democracy through credible elections.

As Bangladesh embarks on this transformative journey, the commitment to reform and a unified national effort holds the promise of a brighter, more equitable future.



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