
Australian Assistant Defence Minister congratulated Bangladesh govt for a successful national election

Photo: Courtesy.


Minister Thistlethwaite highlighted that Bangladesh and Australia enjoy excellent bilateral relations, which originated from Australia's recognition of Bangladesh on 31 January 1972, with bipartisan support.

Press Release

Publisted at 10:57 PM, Wed Mar 27th, 2024

Australian Assistant Defence Minister Matt Thistlethwaite MP congratulated the Bangladesh government for successfully conducting the national election and expressed Australia's willingness to continue working with Bangladesh.

The Minister made these remarks while attending the 53rd Anniversary of Independence and National Day reception organized by the Bangladesh High Commission at the Hyatt Hotel in Canberra on the evening of 26 March, reads a press release.

Minister Thistlethwaite highlighted that Bangladesh and Australia enjoy excellent bilateral relations, which originated from Australia's recognition of Bangladesh on 31 January 1972, with bipartisan support. 

He further noted that these relations were strengthened by the visit of the then Labor Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, to Bangladesh in 1975.

Additionally, he commended the Bangladeshi diaspora in Australia for their contributions to Australian society.

In his statement, High Commissioner M Allama Siddiki expressed optimism that the Bangladesh-Australia bilateral partnership would strengthen and broaden in the coming days.

He conveyed his gratitude to the Government and people of Australia for their support during the liberation war.

Offering tribute to the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the High Commissioner recalled Bangabandhu’s unwavering leadership and the valiant contribution of freedom fighters to Bangladesh's independence.

He also highlighted Bangladesh's economic success, communal harmony, and liberal culture in his remarks.

More than 250 guests, including Assistant Defense Minister Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Chair of the Australia-India Parliamentary Group Andrew Charlton MP, ACT Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs Peter Cain MLA, Chief of Protocol, Deputy Secretary of the South and South East Asia Group, and other senior representatives from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department of Home Affairs, Department of Defence, Department of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and other government offices, ambassadors, members of the diplomatic community, members of the business community, representatives from the media, and distinguished members of the Bangladeshi community, attended the reception.

Members of the Band of the Royal Military College of Australia performed the instrumental national anthems of Bangladesh and Australia at the reception.

Documentaries showcasing Bangladesh's rich culture, history, heritage, economic success, and business opportunities were screened. Dances were performed with patriotic and folk songs to enhance the festivity.

Earlier on the morning of 26 March, the national flag was hoisted at the Chancery premises.

Messages from the President, Prime Minister, and Foreign Minister were read out.

A special prayer was offered for the salvation of the departed souls of the Father of the Nation and his family members, martyrs of the liberation war, as well as for a peaceful, inclusive, and prosperous Bangladesh.


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