
FAO supports Bangladesh in strengthening investment opportunities in the crop sector


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FAO is providing technical support to the Bangladesh government in developing the PIP-CS, aimed at identifying investment areas and mobilizing funding for a diversified and sustainable agriculture sector under its Hand-in-Hand Initiative

Press Release

Publisted at 3:34 PM, Wed Jun 26th, 2024

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, in collaboration with Bangladesh's Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), hosted a validation workshop on the Priority Investment Plan-Crop Sector (PIP-CS:2024-2030).

The event highlighted key investment opportunities in the crop sector, drawing participation from various stakeholders, including the private sector, development partners, government officials, researchers, academia, and civil society organizations, reads a press release.

Wahida Akter, Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, served as the chief guest, while Jiaoqun Shi, FAO Representative in Bangladesh, was the guest of honor.

Shaikh Mohammad Bokhtiar, Executive Chairman of the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), hosted the workshop.

FAO is providing technical support to the Bangladesh government in developing the PIP-CS, aimed at identifying investment areas and mobilizing funding for a diversified and sustainable agriculture sector under its Hand-in-Hand Initiative.

The PIP-CS was drafted with input from a technical team comprising experts from relevant ministries, agencies, academia, and the private sector.

"We work together with FAO towards transforming the crop sector in Bangladesh to achieve the national development goals in implementation of the National Agricultural Policy," said Wahida Akter.

Jiaoqun Shi expressed FAO's commitment, stating, "FAO is happy to support the preparation of the Priority Investment Plan for the crop sector, providing technical assistance under FAO’s flagship Hand-in-Hand Initiative."

Regional consultations in Dhaka, Rajshahi, Barisal, Cumilla, Jashore, and Mymensingh during July and September 2022 involved approximately 700 local stakeholders from various sectors.

These consultations identified four priority investment areas: agro-processing, value addition and marketing; specialized, multipurpose cold storage, post-harvest management, and supply chain management; irrigation and water management (IWM); and climate-smart agriculture (CSA).

Cross-cutting issues such as digital technologies, mechanization, and stringent food safety regulations were also incorporated into the plan.

These efforts align with the National Agricultural Policy's (NAP) transformation agenda to achieve safe, profitable agriculture and sustainable food and nutrition security.

By prioritizing these actions, the Bangladesh government aims to enhance farmers' income, protect consumer health and the environment, and promote growth in the agricultural sector, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.


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