
The terror attack that left an esurient hole


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The terror attack that left an esurient hole

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The brutal attack at Holey Artisan Bakery on 1 July 2016 not only casts a long shadow over the nation but also has left an unfillable hole in the Bangladeshi psyche

Touseful Islam

Publisted at 11:45 AM, Mon Jul 1st, 2024

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By July monsoon begins to pivot towards its peak across Bangladesh – with rain painting the leafage with verdure. 

Yet on 1 July 2016, the capital as well as the whole of the country was marred by blood in a brutal act of terror.

What began as a seemingly ordinary Friday evening for patrons enjoying a meal at the lakeside eatery in Gulshan, swiftly morphed into a 12-hour hostage crisis that left 22 people dead, including 20 hostages - 17 foreigners and 3 Bangladeshis.  

The attackers, affiliated with the extremist group Islamic State (IS), targeted foreigners and systematically killed those who could not recite verses from the Quran. 

Comprised of primarily young Bangladeshis, the attackers were radicalised by extremist ideology disseminated online.  

IS propaganda, rife with anti-Western rhetoric and calls for violence, fueled their extremism - likely stemming from a complex interplay of factors - social alienation, perceived injustices against Muslims abroad, and a warped interpretation of religious teachings. 

Evil slithered in with the evening

On the fateful evening, the attackers stormed the bakery, armed with automatic weapons and grenades. They quickly separated foreigners from Bangladeshis, holding the former hostage. 

 Security forces surrounded the bakery, leading to a tense standoff that stretched through the night.  

The world watched in horror as news of the unfolding crisis emerged. 

The siege ended with a joint counter-terrorism operation by Bangladesh security forces. 

All attackers were killed.  

The nation mourned the loss of innocent lives.  The attack severely dented Bangladesh's image of safety and plunged the country into a period of introspection.  

Security measures were tightened, and the government cracked down on extremist networks operating within the country.

The Holey Artisan attack left deep scars on the Bangladeshi psyche.  

It exposed the vulnerability of the nation to extremist violence and highlighted the dangers of radicalisation.  

The attack also cast a shadow on Bangladesh's thriving hospitality industry, with international tourists expressing concerns about safety. 

A clarion call

The attack served as a wake-up call for Bangladesh, prompting the government to focus on countering extremist narratives and fostering social harmony.  

Interfaith dialogue initiatives and educational programmes aimed at promoting tolerance were implemented.

The Holey Artisan Bakery attack was a defining moment in Bangladesh's recent history.  The nation's resilience and unwavering commitment to peace were tested, but its spirit remained unbroken.  

It served as a stark reminder of the global threat of terrorism and the importance of international cooperation in combating extremism.  

As Bangladesh moves forward, the memory of the Holey Artisan attack remains an esurient hole in the soul of the nation, but it also serves as a constant reminder of the importance of vigilance.


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