
Writ petition seeks paternity leave guidelines for all working fathers

Writ petition seeks paternity leave guidelines for all working fathers

Illustration: UNB


The writ petition argues that the traditional notion that only mothers play a crucial role in new-born care has evolved


Publisted at 10:02 PM, Wed Jul 3rd, 2024

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A writ petition has been filed with the High Court seeking the establishment of policy guidelines for paternity leave for all working fathers.

The petition was submitted by six-month-old Nubaid Bin Saadi and his mother, Supreme Court lawyer Ishrat Hasan.

The petition names 11 respondents, including secretary of the Cabinet, secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration, and Secretary of the Ministry of Law.

The writ petition argues that the traditional notion that only mothers play a crucial role in new-born care has evolved. Fathers’ roles are increasingly significant, particularly in busy cities like Dhaka, where the opportunity to seek help from other family members is often limited.

The petition highlights the high rate of caesarean deliveries in Bangladesh, which necessitates recovery time for mothers. During this period, new fathers face challenges in caring for their wives and new-borns without the benefit of paternity leave.

Lawyer Ishrat Hasan emphasized that neighbouring countries such as India, Bhutan, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, along with over 78 countries worldwide, have provisions for paternity leave. She argued that the lack of a paternity leave policy in Bangladesh conflicts with Articles 7, 27, 28, 29, 31, and 32 of the Constitution.
