More than lyrics: Heal the world, make it a better place

Illustration: Mamunur Rashid/Bangladesh First

As World Environment Day is celebrated with a call for action to prevent, halt, and reverse the degradation of ecosystems, Michael Jackson’s 1991 song "Heal the world" exemplifies music’s innate ability to unite and move people for a common cause

Touseful Islam

Publisted at 3:50 PM, Wed Jun 5th, 2024

Music has a unique ability to unite and move people.

As World Environment Day is celebrated with a call for action to prevent, halt, and reverse the degradation of ecosystems, Michael Jackson’s 1991 song "Heal the world" exemplifies that power.

Its hopeful message and emotional appeal can galvanise individuals and communities to take action. With its lyrics and heartfelt melody, it calls for global compassion, unity, and action.

Michael Jackson’s emotive voice, coupled with the song’s symphonic arrangement, evokes a deep sense of urgency and responsibility.

The early 90s saw significant global challenges—wars, famines, and environmental degradation.

MJ’s song was a rallying cry for collective action. He didn't merely highlight the problems; he offered a vision of what could be achieved through unity and compassion.

Today, as climate change accelerates and social inequalities widen, "Heal the World" speaks directly to the urgency of these times. The environmental degradation taking place now is a clarion call to heed the song’s message.

One of the remarkable aspects of "Heal the world" is its ability to connect with multiple generations. The song’s themes of empathy, responsibility, and action are universal.

For the youth, who are increasingly vocal about climate action, Jackson’s song serves as both inspiration and validation of their efforts.

Beyond environmental issues, it also addresses broader humanitarian concerns. The ongoing global pandemic has laid bare the stark inequalities in health, wealth, and opportunities. Jackson’s call for healing extends to these areas as well.

The song’s enduring relevance highlights the importance of global unity and action in the face of environmental and humanitarian crises.

It is a plea for compassion, a bridge between generations, urging listeners to create a better world for the future.

And remains a reminder that even small actions, fueled by love and care, can create a ripple effect.

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