
Explore why boys lag behind girls in exams: PM Hasina remarks on SSC results

Explore why boys lag behind girls in exams: PM Hasina remarks on SSC results

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“We’ve to find out the reasons as to why the boys are fewer in numbers,” she said


Publisted at 12:46 PM, Sun May 12th, 2024

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Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday asked the authorities concerned to find out the reasons as to why boys are declining in number and lagging behind girls in their academic results.

“We’ve to find out the reasons as to why the boys are fewer in numbers,” she said while publishing the results of the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent examinations- 2024 on Sunday morning.

The premier unveiled the results online by pressing a button at a ceremony at her official residence Ganabhaban. Earlier, Education Minister Mohibul Hassan Chowdhury handed over the results summary and statistics to the premier.

She said the total number of candidates is 20,38,150 under 11 education boards this year. Among them, the number of boys is 9,99,364, while that of girls is 10,38,786.

The PM said it needs to take initiative now to unearth the causes that boys are declining in number.

“In case of the pass percentage, the girls are ahead of the boys. It is fine. Even then I would like to say that we’ve to pay attention to it,” she said.

Hasina said her government distributes free textbooks on time, provides stipends and scholarships till higher education and transforms the country into Digital Bangladesh.

The prime minister also asked the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) and education boards to look into the matter and find the reason as to why the number of students is reducing. “The number of boys is not supposed to go down. It should be equal (to that of girls),” she added.

This year, SSC and its equivalent examinations began across the country on 15 February. The written exams ended on 12 March and the practical exams concluded on 20 March.


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