
Bangladesh prioritises environmental conservation in all dev initiatives: Nasrul Hamid

Photo: Collected


To address excessive groundwater extraction, the state minister stressed the imperative of ramping up investments in renewable energy.


Publisted at 4:53 PM, Thu Mar 21st, 2024

State Minister for Energy Nasrul Hamid said environmental conservation holds paramount importance in all of the nation's developmental endeavors in Bangladesh. 

He said this commitment is notably evident in Bangladesh's strides towards sustainable agriculture and the embrace of renewable energy sources.

Speaking at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2024 on Wednesday, during a panel discussion titled "Dialogue Hub: Energy-Water-Food Nexus: Holistic Solutions for Food and Water Supply Powered by Renewables," Hamid outlined Bangladesh's remarkable progress in renewable energy, particularly in the transition from diesel to solar irrigation pumps. This transition aims not only to decrease carbon emissions but also to preserve groundwater resources, thus fostering environmental equilibrium.

Nasrul Hamid unveiled ambitious plans to install 45,000 solar irrigation pumps by 2031, benefiting approximately 1.3 million farmers nationwide. This initiative is poised to significantly diminish diesel consumption and alleviate the adverse impacts of climate change. 

To address excessive groundwater extraction, the state minister stressed the imperative of ramping up investments in renewable energy. 

He underscored the crucial role of international collaboration in fostering innovation, adopting modern technologies, securing financial support, and sharing expertise to achieve sustainable development.

Nasrul Hamid urged developed nations, including Germany, to spearhead technology transfer efforts.

The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2024 witnessed the presence of representatives from participating nations during Hamid's address, signaling a collective endeavor towards global sustainability.


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