
Parliamentarians call for effective taxes on all tiers of cigarette in FY 2024-25

Photo: Courtesy


The linkage between reducing use of cigarettes and attaining the SDGs and other national objectives was pointed out by Anima Mukti Gomes, MP, and Nazma Akhter, MP.

Press Release

Publisted at 4:12 PM, Thu Mar 21st, 2024

Parliamentarians have sought an increase in retail prices of low-, medium, high- and premium-tier cigarettes by 33%, 19%, 15%, and 13% respectively, to help realise the prime minister’s directives to achieve ‘Tobacco-free Bangladesh’ by 2040 by curtailing the availability and affordability of cigarettes.

They said so today (21 March) at a pre-budget discussion session organised by non-government think tank Unnayan Shamannay at the Bishwoshahitto Kendro building, reads a press release. 

The parliamentarians present at the discussion were- Dr Shri Biren Shikder, MP (Magura 02), Tarana Halim, MP (Women Seat 18), Nazma Akhter, MP (Women Seat 37), Dr. Jannat Ara Henry, MP (Sirajganj 02), Dr. Md. Aolad Hossain, MP (Dhaka 04), and Anima Mukti Gomes, MP (Women Seat 29). Former Governor of Bangladesh Bank and eminent Economist- Professor Dr. Atiur Rahman Chaired the session where two professors from Dhaka University were present as expert discussants. They were- Dr. M. Abu Eusuf, and Dr. Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee. Unnayan Shamannay’s Research Director- Abdullah Nadvi presented the effective cigarette taxation proposals on behalf of Unnayan Shamannay and certain other anti-tobacco civil society organizations.

Dr Aolad Hossain, MP and Dr. Jannat Ara, MP emphasised on increasing retail prices of cigarettes and imposing higher taxes on them considering the well-being of the low-income people and the youth. 

The linkage between reducing use of cigarettes and attaining the SDGs and other national objectives was pointed out by Anima Mukti Gomes, MP, and Nazma Akhter, MP. 

Furthermore, Tarana Halim, MP and Biren Shikder, MP opined that policymakers must prioritise safeguarding public health over getting revenue from cigarette sales. 

Dr Atiur Rahman pointed out that taxation has been established as the most effective tool to reduce cigarette use. And that is why the anti-tobacco civils society organizations are strongly advocating for this. 

However, to ensure that there is no sudden pressure on the government’s revenue income- effective tobacco taxation proposals have been developed with utmost caution, he added. He further pointed out that if the effective taxation proposals for FY2024-25 are realized, on the one hand- cigarette use will decrease by 9%, and on the other hand, revenue coming from cigarette sales will increase by 28%.


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