BNP Standing Committee member Salahuddin Ahmed on Sunday asked all to refrain from cunning tactics to further prolong the path to democracy.
“As the days go by, we feel that some cunning tactics are being devised to further prolong the path to democracy… I am calling on all concerned to refrain from that,” he said.
The BNP leader was addressing a discussion on ‘Role of Politicians in Ensuring Human Rights’ at the Jatiya Press Club in the city.
He asked the interim government to expedite the democratic process as soon as possible to establish a representative national parliament and accelerate the responsibility entrusted to them by the people of Bangladesh following the mass uprising.
Though they were assured indirectly that this government is working to arrange the national election by December next, its activities must be made public and cleared before people, he said.
"Because the longer this journey of transition to democracy takes, the more scopes the deposed dictator and its allies will get to create various kinds of unstable situations. Our proposal is to ensure that that period should not be longer," said Salahuddin.
He said BNP also wants reforms and if the party can come to power, it will implement its 31-point reform proposal to build a prosperous democratic state with the help of all who are in the democratic struggle against the fascism. “We will reform all state structures in democratic ways.”
The BNP standing committee member said the interim government needs to identify and implement the election-related reform issues through a national consensus. “At the same time, an election roadmap including electoral preparation design should be provided. The nation should be assured of it,” he added.
If so, he said, the unrest in the country and instability in the economy would go.
About the price hike, Salahuddin expressed concern over it as the holy month of Ramadan is going on. “The market situation is not good… people are suffering a lot due to the rise in commodity prices,” he said.
He asked the government to try to improve the supply of essential items to the market and control the prices of the commodities so that the essential items would remain within the purchasing capacity of the poor. "Otherwise, it is natural that they (the people) will criticise even any good step you (govt) take,” he said.
Cricising the ousted Awami League’s regime for misrules, the BNP leader said ‘brutal and barbaric’ acts of extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances and torture carried out in Bangladesh, which unprecedented even in African jungles.
“It is astonishing that we still have not seen any remorse from dictator, fascist, perpetrator of mass killing and Awami League chief Sheikh Hasina mass killer. We have not heard any Awami League leader or activist admit responsibility for the mass killing, say that they will enter politics in Bangladesh seeking apology,” he said.
If a democratic political culture can be exhibited to people by forging a national unity against fascism, then dictatorship and fascism will never emerged again, said Salahuddin.
BNP vice chairman Abdus Salam Pintu, BNP chairperson’s advisory council member Abdus Salam and BNP executive committee member Nazimuddin Alam, among others, spoke on the occasion.