
Nationwide 'Martyrs March' from 3pm today


The Anti-Discrimination Student Movement will hold a nationwide 'Martyrs’ March' on 5 September to commemorate those killed by police during the downfall of the Awami government, marking one month since its collapse

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 11:01 AM, Thu Sep 5th, 2024

The Anti-Discrimination Student Movement will observe a nationwide "Martyrs March" to commemorate those killed by police gunfire, coinciding with the one-month anniversary of the fall of the Awami government.

The central march will commence at 3pm from the Raju Memorial Sculpture on Thursday (5 September), announced Sarjis Alam, one of the key coordinators of the movement, during a press briefing on Wednesday (4 September).

Sarjis Alam said the march will start at the Raju Memorial Sculpture and proceed through New Market, Manik Miah Avenue, Karwan Bazar, and Shahbagh, culminating at the Central Shaheed Minar.

Additionally, from Friday (6 September) the movement will launch a tour programme across all divisional and district cities in the country.

Speaking at the press conference, Alam stated, "We believe this is the time to honour those who courageously stood in the face of bullets. Therefore, to mark one month since the fall of Sheikh Hasina's government, we will hold a Martyrs' March across the nation on Thursday. We urge all families of the martyrs to join this event. We hope to witness a wave of students and the public taking to the streets tomorrow."

He continued, "The bloodstains have not yet dried. Our brothers are still writhing in pain, bearing the scars on their bodies. We appeal to the media to document how our brothers were killed. Some are urging us to hold victory processions, but as long as a new Bangladesh is not built, as long as the people do not regain their rights, we cannot celebrate victory."

Other coordinators, Abu Bakr Mojumdar and Hasnat Abdullah, also spoke at the press conference.


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