
CCC in limbo amid mayor's absence following government collapse


The mayor has not been seen at his office or home for the past nine days, and his mobile phone remains switched off. CCC officials are uncertain of his whereabouts or when he will return to his duties


Publisted at 10:26 AM, Tue Aug 13th, 2024

The activities of the Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) have come to a standstill following the collapse of the Awami League government, as Mayor Rezaul Karim Chowdhury has gone into hiding.

The mayor has not been seen at his office or home for the past nine days, and his mobile phone remains switched off. CCC officials are uncertain of his whereabouts or when he will return to his duties.

Despite officials attending the office regularly, the absence of the mayor has caused significant disruptions to CCC’s operations. According to CCC sources, on 3 August, two days before the government fell on 5 August, there was an attack on the mayor’s residence. After the fall of the government and the escape of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on 5 August, the mayor also went into hiding.

His close associates have indicated that he is in hiding for "security reasons." However, his absence is severely impacting the CCC's daily functions.

A senior CCC official, speaking anonymously, stated, "On the first day after reopening, only a few staff members showed up. However, from the next day (Wednesday), attendance resumed as usual. There was an attack on the mayor's house, and various materials, including rods, sand, and cement, were looted and vandalized at several of our sites. I don’t think the mayor will return until the situation stabilizes."

When asked about the difficulties arising from the mayor’s absence, an official from CCC's engineering department, who also wished to remain anonymous, said, "Without the mayor’s presence, project estimates cannot be signed, the tender process is stalled, and procurement is at a standstill. Urgent work cannot proceed without the mayor’s approval."

CCC Chief Executive Officer Sheikh Muhammad Tauhidul Islam commented, "We haven’t been able to contact the mayor as his mobile is off, and he hasn’t been to the office. We hope that once the situation normalises, he will return to the office later this week."


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