Give me liberty or give me death: Patrick Henry’s immortal words

On 23 March 1775, Patrick Henry delivered his famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech, rallying Virginia to join the fight for American independence

Desk Report

Publisted at 8:55 AM, Sun Mar 23rd, 2025

On 23 March 1775, American statesman Patrick Henry delivered his fiery "Give me liberty or give me death" speech in Richmond, Virginia, urging his fellow colonists to take up arms against British rule.

Speaking before the Virginia Convention, Henry’s impassioned rhetoric framed the struggle for independence as a choice between freedom and subjugation.

His words electrified the audience, swaying opinion in favour of mobilisation and setting the stage for Virginia’s pivotal role in the American Revolution. 

More than two centuries later, his declaration remains one of the most iconic calls to resistance in history.

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