Fog grounds flights at UK airports

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Cancellations and delays of several hours to landings and take-offs struck hubs including London Heathrow, Gatwick and Manchester, aircraft tracking website Flightradar 24 indicated.


Publisted at 11:13 AM, Sat Dec 28th, 2024

Fog grounded flights at several major UK airports on Friday, the air traffic control authority (NATS) said.

Cancellations and delays of several hours to landings and take-offs struck hubs including London Heathrow, Gatwick and Manchester, aircraft tracking website Flightradar24 indicated.

"Due to widespread fog, temporary air traffic restrictions are in place at several airports across the UK today" for safety reasons, NATS said in a statement.

"Our teams are working closely with the airports and airlines to minimise disruption. Passengers should check the status of their flight with their airline."
