
Pertinacious and persistent: Heat waves are Mother Earth’s long sighs of discomfort


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As the world celebrates International Mother Earth Day today, a scorching reality sears the collective consciousness – relentless heat waves are becoming not only frequent but also persistent - a harrowing testament to the escalating climate crisis

Touseful Islam

Publisted at 11:56 AM, Mon Apr 22nd, 2024

Growing up as a child in decades when Bangladesh wasn’t as developed as it is now, air conditioning wasn’t as common as it is now in the urban areas – having become somewhat a necessity rather than a luxury given the fervid summers where heat waves as hot as 42 °C and more are frequent.

Days melt into nights - with no respite from the suffocating heat and humidity.

As International Mother Earth Day is being celebrated today, that scorching reality sears the collective consciousness - not just in Bangladesh, but across the globe.

Relentless heat waves are becoming not just a seasonal inconvenience but a harrowing testament to the escalating climate crisis. 

With temperatures soaring to unprecedented heights, the very fabric of daily life is unravelling under the relentless blaze of the sun. 

From rural villages to bustling urban centres, the heat becomes an omnipresent force, sowing seeds of suffering and hardship.

In the last two days, at least 5 deaths from heatstroke have been reported. Universities and colleges have shifted to virtual mode for a week as a severe heat wave passes through the country, while schools have been closed down for the duration.

Adversities wrought by heat waves extend far beyond mere discomfort. 

They exact a heavy toll on human health, precipitating a surge in heat-related illnesses and fatalities. 

Vulnerable populations, including the elderly, children, and those with pre-existing health conditions, bear the brunt of this merciless onslaught. 

Moreover, agricultural systems falter under the scorching sun, leading to crop failures, food insecurity, and economic distress for farmers already grappling with myriad challenges.

Beyond human suffering, heat waves exacerbate environmental imbalance, triggering cascading effects across ecosystems. 

From parched landscapes to dwindling water resources, the delicate equilibrium upon which life depends is perilously disrupted. 

Biodiversity loss, habitat degradation, and heightened risks of wildfires further underscore the profound ramifications of unchecked climate change.

Survive to sustain

In the face of such daunting challenges, the imperative for action looms ever larger. 

As we commemorate International Mother Earth Day, we must heed the urgent call to confront the scourge of heat waves with resolve and resilience. 

Central to this endeavour is a multifaceted approach that encompasses mitigation, adaptation, and collective action on both local and global scales.

Mitigating the impacts of heat waves necessitates a concerted effort to address the root causes of climate change. 

Transitioning towards renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and fostering sustainable practices are indispensable steps in curbing the relentless march of global warming. 

Investments in renewable energy are not a luxury, but a lifeline. 

Technological innovations that capture carbon and cool the atmosphere need to be nurtured.

Additionally, investing in green infrastructure, such as urban green spaces and resilient housing designs, can mitigate the urban heat island effect and enhance community resilience.

In tandem with mitigation efforts, adaptation measures are vital for building resilience in the face of escalating heat waves. 

And amidst the pressing need for localised action, the importance of global solidarity cannot be overstated. 

International cooperation, resource sharing, and knowledge exchange are essential for amplifying resilience efforts and fostering a collective response to the climate crisis. 

Developed nations must commit to aggressive emission reduction targets. 


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