Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) has expressed outrage at the culture of evading responsibility among all concerned authorities, which fuels the occurrence of frequent fires and leads to tragic loss of life.
Citing lack of political will, inaction of responsible institutions, lack of coordination, corruption, lack of accountability, and lack of justice as reasons for the recurrence of tragic fires, the agency called for exemplary punishment against those involved in dereliction of duty and irregularities-corruption.
On the night of February 29, 2024, at least 46 people tragically died in a fire at the Green Cozy Cottage building located on Bailey Road in the capital city.
In the wake of this incident, in a press release sent to the media, TIB's executive director Dr. Iftekharuzzaman said, "The court has given several instructions to prevent fires that occurred at different times, and the investigation committees and task forces formed at different times have also proposed several recommendations."
“But most of these recommendations have not been implemented due to inaction, irresponsibility, lack of coordination, lack of planning, irregularities-corruption, and lack of accountability of officials,” he added.
On the other hand, law enforcement agencies, including Rajdhani Unnayan Katripakkha (Rajuk), city corporations, and the fire service, are, as usual, conducting mob 'raids' after an accident without paying attention to the root causes of the problem and arresting people whose assigned duties have nothing to do with the root causes of the accident. As a result, the concerned authorities continue to avoid their responsibility and try to hide the real culprits.
Dr. Zaman also said, “We see the main reasons behind these continuous fires and loss of life as not following the relevant laws in the construction of the building and conducting unauthorised activities in the building by the owner. Rajuk, city corporation, and fire service are informed about all these irregularities as the authorities in charge of supervising all these matters. Some of the officers and employees of these institutions have been helping to conduct risky business activities through collusion without approving and properly supervising the defective buildings through irregularities and corruption. The real criminals are enjoying impunity.”
TIB conducted a study in 2020 titled “Nimtoli, Churihatta and Beyond: Challenges of Good Governance in Ensuring Fire Safety in Old Dhaka” in the wake of the multiple fire incidents in Old Dhaka. This study found that despite repeated tragic fires, chemical curtain warehouses and business establishments were set up illegally in residential areas through the lack of political will and the collusion and corruption of traders, building owners, public representatives, and related authorities.
The mentioned study was accomplished considering the fire caused by combustible materials in old Dhaka, but the experience and results obtained in the study are also relevant for other fire accidents in Dhaka city.
“We see a brutal loss of life becoming normal due to the failure to ensure exemplary punishment for those who are actually responsible for the fires. This is a sad example of the lack of value placed on the lives of common people by the concerned government,” the TIB executive director added.
TIB demands accountability and disciplinary action against all involved in negligence and corruption, without harassing innocent people.
Additionally, TIB's press release calls for adequate compensation and rehabilitation for all families affected by the fires through necessary legislative reforms.