
From finance to fitness: Nazia Hassan’s journey of empowering women through exercise

Photo: Noor-E-Alam/BFirst


Nazia Hassan, a former finance professional, has transitioned into a passionate fitness trainer, founding Girlgains to empower women across Bangladesh with accessible fitness solutions

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 3:43 PM, Sun Sep 1st, 2024

Nazia Hassan, a dedicated fitness coach and trainer, made a bold career shift from finance and accounting to pursue her passion for fitness.

She is the founder of Girlgains, an online fitness community specifically designed for women.

Discussing her decision to choose fitness training as a career, Nazia shared, “I used to work in finance and accounting, but in our country, there aren't many specialised and knowledgeable fitness trainers. I’m deeply passionate about fitness, so I decided to switch careers and become a fitness trainer. I genuinely enjoy it, and it brings me satisfaction.”

Nazia strongly believes that finding joy in one’s work is essential for a fulfilling career.

Her vision extends beyond personal achievement; she aspires to establish a school dedicated to training fitness professionals in Bangladesh. 

“Anyone can be a trainer, but you need passion, empathy for your clients, and a deep understanding of their needs,” she emphasised.

Highlighting the significance of the role, Nazia noted, “A fitness trainer carries immense responsibility. We play a crucial role in shaping how people live their lives, including monitoring their mental state, sleep patterns, nutrition, and the personal challenges they face.”

Nazia is committed to continuing her efforts to expand Girlgains, with the ultimate goal of reaching girls and women in rural areas who wish to exercise but lack access to gyms or the resources to afford them.

She envisions providing these women with online training platforms that allow them to work out from home.

“My vision is to make fitness accessible to all women in Bangladesh, so they don’t have to worry about going to the gym or leaving their homes. Many women feel uncomfortable exercising outside. I want to create a platform where they can work out at home through Girlgains,” she explained.

Nazia also revealed that a website is currently under development, and her broader vision includes building a mobile app to further her mission of bringing fitness to every woman in Bangladesh.
