
Student activists announce week-long protest with 4 key demands


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Abu Bakar Majumdar


Abu Bakar Majumdar, coordinator of the anti-discrimination student movement, has announced a week-long protest campaign starting today, featuring road marches, moments of silence, and a rally at Dhaka University's Raju Sculpture, with four primary demands for addressing inequality and justice.

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 12:34 PM, Tue Aug 13th, 2024

One of the coordinators of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement has announced a week-long protest programme demanding four key reforms.

The coordinator, Abu Bakar Majumdar took to Facebook to make the announcement on Tuesday (13 August).

In his Facebook post, Majumdar said that the “Resistance Week” under the banner of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement will commence from 13 August.

The first phase of the programme includes road marches across the country to sites where national heroes fell during the fight against inequality.

Participants will gather at these locations to observe a minute of silence and offer prayers in honour of the martyrs.

Additionally, Majumdar has called for activists to assemble at 3pm on Tuesday at the Raju Sculpture at Dhaka University.

The four demands from the student coordinators are:

1. The establishment of a special tribunal to swiftly prosecute the atrocities committed by the fascist regime under Sheikh Hasina and her party, which have been perpetrated using a fascist framework.
2. The immediate prosecution of those involved in the planned murders, thefts, and looting targeting minorities by the Awami League and its coalition partners, and acceptance of the legitimate demands of minority groups.

3. The prompt removal and dismissal of those in the administration and judiciary who have legitimised attacks, legal actions, and killings against the student-led uprising, and have repeatedly sought to impose a fascist system.

4. The assurance of equal opportunities for those in the administration and judiciary who have faced discrimination, to be implemented without delay.


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