
TIB calls for effective actions to protect minority communities, state properties


TIB condemned the arbitrary arson and looting of critical state infrastructure and vehicles

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 9:53 PM, Tue Aug 6th, 2024

Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) has expressed profound disappointment and strongly condemned incidents of communal violence across various districts, including attacks on homes, places of worship, mandirs, and businesses belonging to religious minorities during the critical period of regime change. 

TIB condemned the arbitrary arson and looting of critical state infrastructure and vehicles, reads a press release. 

The anti-corruption organisation commented that such self-interested and communal activities could derail and cast doubts on the opportunity to rebuild the nation with equality, justice, and good governance, achieved through the unprecedented loss of lives and the sacrifices of students and citizens. 

TIB called on all responsible authorities to take immediate steps to ensure the security of religious minorities and state assets.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, TIB Executive Director (ED) Dr. Iftekharuzzaman said, “It is extremely disheartening and disappointing that we have to demand protection for religious minorities and state assets amidst the unprecedented victorious moment of the movement, where hundreds of students and citizens shed blood to demand equality, harmony, and equal rights for everyone.

“The ongoing movement against discrimination was successful because of the spontaneous participation of general people regardless of their race, religion, class, or profession.

“The students whom we are calling minorities due to their religious identities joined the movement! They were martyred and injured! How are we supposed to face their families? Such attacks on minorities are against the fundamental spirit of the anti-discrimination student movement. For whose interest and for what consideration are such communal attacks taking place? We sincerely urge all responsible factions to fulfill their essential responsibilities in ensuring that the opportunity to rebuild our country, brought by the sacrifice of students and citizens, does not go into the hands of communal forces and narrow interests.”

Mentioning the recent violence and attacks on the parliament building, court premises, the residence of the chief justice, government institutions, police stations, households, and businesses, Dr. Iftekharuzzaman stated, “All state assets are built with the hard-earned money and taxes of the general people. Those who are destroying state assets for revenge must realize that any government that comes to power has to rebuild these state institutions. Any arson attacks on state institutions mean the destruction of our own assets. To avert such self-destructive activities, it is imperative that all responsible factions, in addition to the general public, take an active role.”

In light of the unprecedented victory of students and citizens, TIB has urged the army chief and other responsible factions to effectively reflect their commitment to upholding law and order. 

Dr. Iftekharuzzaman strongly demanded effective steps to protect religious minorities, mandirs and places of worship, and state assets. 

He added, “A situation of getting out of the frying pan and into the fire must not happen. I urge everyone to act responsibly so that we don’t end up in a chaotic and unruly situation after emerging from an atmosphere of suffocated freedom of speech, intolerance, and a discriminatory, undemocratic state structure. At the same time, regardless of everyone's religion, color, class, or profession, I earnestly call on everyone to fulfill their particular responsibilities in re-establishing a nation that is equitable, just, and well-governed by overcoming resentment and selfish, vested interests.”


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