
Clashes erupt at Shahbagh amid protests


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Violent clashes broke out at Shahbagh as student protestors and Chhatra League activists confronted each other, resulting in damage and chaos at PG Hospital

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 11:22 AM, Sun Aug 4th, 2024

Violent confrontations erupted at Shahbagh as activists of the Chhatra League clashed with protestors participating in a non-cooperation movement.

The altercation took place within the premises of PG Hospital at around 11am on Sunday (4 August).

During the clashes, the two parties hurled bricks and stones at each other.

Protestors managed to break through the main gate of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), leading to a chaotic situation with both sides engaging in aggressive chases and counter-chases. 

The tension escalated further as motorcycles within the hospital compound were set on fire and vandalised.

This unrest follows the announcement made by the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement on Saturday (3 August), which called for the government's resignation.

One of the coordinators of the platform, Md Nahid Islam, declared a nationwide comprehensive non-cooperation movement to commence from Sunday, emphasising the determination to persist until their demands are met.


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