
Violence, destruction amid protests lead to tragic loss of so many lives: PM


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed profound sorrow over the loss of lives during recent protests, questioning the destructive activities and their impact on the nation's image and progress

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 12:42 PM, Wed Jul 31st, 2024

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed deep sorrow over the tragic loss of lives amid the recent protests, emphasising that she never anticipated such a situation would arise in the present times.

The premier shared her heartfelt concerns while speaking at the inauguration of National Fisheries Week at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre on Wednesday (31 July).

Reflecting on the turmoil, Sheikh Hasina questioned the purpose behind the destructive activities carried out under the guise of protests.

"What was our crime?" she asked, highlighting the senseless loss of innocent lives, lives that can never be recovered.

Drawing from her personal experiences, PM Hasina conveyed her empathy towards those who have lost loved ones.

"I live with the pain of losing my own family members. I understand the agony of such loss," she said.

"While a person may struggle to endure one loss, I have survived losing everyone close to me," she added.

Sheikh Hasina underscored the detrimental impact of the destructive protests on the nation's image.

"We have achieved the status of a developing country, and the world views Bangladesh with respect. Why then must there be bloodshed in this Bangladesh?" she questioned, offering prayers for the departed souls and expressing solidarity with the bereaved families.

The premier asserted that her pursuit of power was not for personal comfort or enjoyment.

"Power is not an object of indulgence for me. I did not come to power to live a life of ease. I have worked tirelessly to develop Bangladesh, and I have succeeded. Today, Bangladesh is a role model for development globally. Why tarnish that honour?" she asked.

During the event, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina awarded the National Fisheries Medal to 22 individuals and organisations in recognition of their significant contributions to the fisheries sector.

The awards included six gold, eight silver, and eight bronze medals.

The ceremony was presided over by Fisheries and Livestock Minister Md Abdul Rahman.


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