
UK returns Hong Kong and the New Territories to China

Photo: Collected


This monumental transition was executed under the principle of "one country, two systems"

Desk Report

Publisted at 8:55 AM, Mon Jul 1st, 2024

On 1 July 1997, a historic event unfolded as the United Kingdom handed over the sovereignty of Hong Kong and the New Territories to the People's Republic of China, marking the end of over 150 years of British colonial rule.

This monumental transition was executed under the principle of "one country, two systems," which was designed to ensure that Hong Kong would retain its own economic and administrative systems while being integrated into the mainland.

The ceremony, attended by global dignitaries, symbolised a significant shift in international relations and the beginning of a new era for Hong Kong, sparking widespread anticipation and apprehension about the region's future.


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