
Massacre in Seville


The violence of 1391 foreshadowed the greater persecution that would culminate in the Spanish Inquisition and the eventual expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492

Desk Report

Publisted at 3:02 PM, Thu Jun 6th, 2024

On June 6, 1391, the city of Seville, Spain, witnessed a horrific massacre where 5,000 Jews were brutally killed by the local populace.

This event was part of a wave of anti-Jewish violence that swept across Spain during the late 14th century.

The massacre was fueled by deep-seated religious intolerance, economic envy, and social unrest.

Many Jewish communities were devastated, leading to a significant demographic and cultural shift in the region.

The violence of 1391 foreshadowed the greater persecution that would culminate in the Spanish Inquisition and the eventual expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492.


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