
Freight train derails in Chattogram

Representational image. Photo: Collected


The train, carrying export goods from Dhaka, veered off the tracks in the Halishahar area around 3:00 pm

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 6:01 PM, Thu May 23rd, 2024

A compartment of a Chattogram port-bound freight train derailed this afternoon at the Chittagong Goods Port Yard (CGPY) in the city.

The train, carrying export goods from Dhaka, veered off the tracks in the Halishahar area around 3:00 pm, said CGPY master Abdul Malek.

The cause of the derailment remains unknown, reports our Chattogram correspondent.

There was no damage to the goods, Abdul Malek added. 

Efforts are currently underway to salvage the derailed compartment, Malek said, adding that train movement continues normally through alternative tracks. 


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