
'Journalists' entry ban to Bangladesh Bank similar to infringement of media freedom'

Photo: Collected.


Both organisations urged the central bank authorities to promptly ensure unrestricted entry for journalists into the bank

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 6:40 PM, Tue Apr 30th, 2024

The Newspaper Owners' Association of Bangladesh (NOAB) and The Sampadak Parishad (Editor's Council) have termed the 'unofficial ban' on journalists' access to Bangladesh Bank as an infringement of media freedom.

NOAB President AK Azad and Sampadak Parishad President Mahfuz Anam conveyed their concerns regarding the matter in a joint statement issued on Tuesday (30 April). 

Both organisations urged the central bank authorities to promptly ensure unrestricted entry for journalists into the bank. 

The statement highlighted that journalists from various media outlets have been unable to enter Bangladesh Bank to carry out their professional duties. 

The organisations, citing media reports, said that the bank ceased issuing temporary passes to journalists due to an unwritten ban imposed by high authorities. Journalists specialising in economic reporting have protested against the decision as the issue remains unresolved yet.

The statement referenced remarks made by Bangladesh Bank Spokesperson Md Mezbaul Haque on the issue.

Md Mezbaul Haque stated, "Henceforth, journalists will only have access to meet with the BB spokesperson upon acquiring an entry pass. If any official issues an entry pass to a journalist, they will solely be allowed to meet with that designated official. However, journalists will no longer have the freedom to move around as before.”

“This ban deprives people of their rights to access accurate information about the state of the bank, the financial sector, and the country's economy. Furthermore, it heightens public mistrust in the sector and may exacerbate irregularities and corruption within the banking and financial sectors,” added the statement. 

Previously, leaders of the Economic Reporters' Forum (ERF) met with BB Governor Abdur Rouf Talukder regarding the issue. However, no resolution has been reached as of today.


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