
Progressive Liberation Platform marks International Day of Democracy with call for unity, citizen sovereignty


The event honoured the people’s movement that ended authoritarian rule and initiated a transformative journey towards a more democratic and just future

Press Release

Publisted at 2:23 PM, Tue Sep 17th, 2024

The Progressive Liberation Platform (PLP), also known as Gonomukti Moncho, organised a public assembly at the Central Shaheed Minar, Dhaka, to commemorate the International Day of Democracy on 15 September.

The event honoured the people’s movement that ended authoritarian rule and initiated a transformative journey towards a more democratic and just future, said a press release.

The monsoon season holds significant symbolism for the PLP, representing not only the timing of the revolution but also the perseverance required to sustain it.

Despite the inclement weather, PLP chose to go ahead with the assembly, sending a powerful message: rain or shine, the commitment to serving the people remains unshaken.

The convener and chief coordinator of the PLP, Sakib Pratyay, delivered a powerful keynote, emphasising that democracy is not confined to polling alone but encompasses the protection of human rights, empowerment of minorities, and the sovereignty of citizens.

"The people of Bangladesh are the rightful owners of the state, and it is their will that must guide its future," Pratyay remarked.

The following key speakers addressed the assembly:

Sakib Pratyay, Convener and Chief Coordinator, PLP
Arif Sohel, Coordinator, July Uprising and Student, Jahangirnagar University
Pankaj Bashfor, Leader, Harijan Community
Sajib Tusar, Organizing Coordinator, PLP
Nasir Uddin, Leader, Landless Farmers' Movement
Didarul Bhuiyan, Executive Committee Member, State Reform Movement
Muntasir Rahman, Chairperson, Byanjona Foundation; Human Rights Coordinator, PLP
Faria Soroni Vasha, Sister of Rehan, a victim of the 2013 Shapla Chattar massacre
Barrister Sara Hossain, Lawyer, Bangladesh Supreme Court
Sakir Mati, Founder, Pother Ishkul; Emergency Response Coordinator, PLP
Gonesh Murmu, Santal Leader
Nowshin Noor, Lawyer and participant in the Monsoon Revolution
Nofiul Islam, Writer, Critic, Islamic Thinker
Shovy Zibran, Journalist and PR Coordinator, PLP

Throughout the event, speakers delved into the core principles of the Progressive Liberation Platform - equal rights, social justice, and decentralised democracy, which they argued must be achieved through meritocracy and good governance.

They articulated the PLP's strong opposition to family-run feudal politics, oligarch-friendly policy-making, kleptocracy, and any form of fascism.

The assembly was a celebration and a powerful reminder that the struggle for democracy and justice is ongoing.

PLP is committed to working for the people, with the people, no matter the obstacles.

Each speaker reinforced the belief that democracy is a collective effort, with citizens as the ultimate authority over state affairs.

Special attention was given to the ongoing struggle for justice, human rights, and the dismantling of authoritarian structures within the country. The event also paid tribute to the martyrs of the July Uprising, whose sacrifices continue to inspire the fight against oppression.

The assembly underscored that to build a new Bangladesh—one based on justice, decentralisation of power, and equal rights—every honest citizen must be engaged.

The PLP reaffirmed its commitment to these principles and called for broader national involvement in shaping the future of the country.

The Progressive Liberation Platform is committed to empowering the people and ensuring that the fight for equal rights, and a fair & democratic Bangladesh continues.

The PLP will continue to engage citizens through future events and initiatives aimed at building a stronger and more just society.


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