
Shujan issues 9-point demands including an end to mass arrests


Shujan said although the government stated that students are not involved in the attacks and vandalism, the arrest of students continues.

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 6:03 PM, Tue Jul 30th, 2024

The civil society platform Shushashoner Jonno Nagorik (Shujan) has presented a nine-point demand, urging the government to put an end to the mass arrests related to the quota reform protests.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, Shujan noted that the crisis stemming from the violence surrounding the quota reform movement has not yet been resolved. Although the government stated that students are not involved in the attacks and vandalism, the arrest of students continues.

Citing media reports, Shujan mentioned that 243 cases had been filed in Dhaka as of 29 July in connection with the protests, and more than 10,000 people have been arrested across the country.

Given the dire situation, Shujan raised the following nine demands to the government:

  1. Conduct transparent and credible investigations into all incidents of violence under the supervision of a high-level expert team from the United Nations and take action against those found guilty.
  2. Publish the detailed identities of those killed, including their names and backgrounds.
  3. Provide adequate compensation to the families of the deceased, ensure proper medical treatment for those injured, and take full responsibility for the rehabilitation of the severely injured.
  4. Stop arbitrary arrests through false cases and block raids, cease harassment of ordinary students, withdraw biased cases filed against them, release the detained students, refrain from filing new cases against students, immediately release the six coordinators of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement in DB custody, and refrain from intimidating ordinary citizens.
  5. Stop using law enforcement agencies for partisan interests and refrain from pitting police and military against the public.
  6. Refrain from detaining anyone without following proper legal procedures and without specific charges.
  7. Restore normalcy in business, education, and public life by lifting curfews, withdrawing restrictions on the internet and social media, and ensuring freedom of expression and all fundamental rights of citizens.
  8. According to the Representation of the People Order (amended) Ordinance 1972, registered political parties are not allowed to have affiliated or associated organizations. Therefore, stop using students for partisan politics, end the culture of group rooms, guest rooms, and ragging in colleges and university campuses, allocate dormitory seats based on merit, and hold regular student union elections in all campuses to develop young leadership.
  9. Ensure all citizens' rights, including the right to vote, and declare a ban on communal politics.

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