
12kg LPG cylinder price up by Tk3

12kg LPG cylinder price up by Tk3


The new prices will take effect from 6pm on Tuesday (2 July).

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 3:41 PM, Tue Jul 2nd, 2024

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The price of a 12kg LPG cylinder has been increased by Tk3 to Tk1,366 for the month of July. 

Additionally, the price of autogas has been set at Tk62.70 per liter.

Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) Chairman Nurul Amin announced the new rates today.

The new prices will take effect from 6pm on Tuesday (2 July).

The BERC chairman said despite the import price of LPG remaining unchanged, the increase in the dollar rate has led to a slight rise in prices.

In June, the price of a 12kg LPG cylinder was Tk 1,363, and autogas was Tk 62.53 per liter.

Previously, in May, the price of a 12kg LPG cylinder was Tk1,393, and autogas was Tk63.92 per liter.

Before 12 April 2021, LPG prices were determined at the discretion of the companies. Since then, prices have been based on the rates announced by Saudi state company Aramco. 

BERC has been announcing LPG prices every month, but consumers have complained that they often cannot purchase LPG at the regulated prices in the market. Sellers are allegedly charging higher prices, with few instances of penalties being enforced.


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