
BNP to hold rally on 29 June demanding Khaleda's release

BNP to hold rally on 29 June demanding Khaleda's release


In addition to the 29 June rally, BNP will hold rallies in all metropolitan areas on 1 July and in district towns on 3 July with the same demand.

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 2:09 PM, Wed Jun 26th, 2024

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The BNP will hold a rally at Naya Paltan on 29 June demanding the release of party chairperson Khaleda Zia, who is currently undergoing treatment at Evercare Hospital in Dhaka.

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir announced the programmes at a press conference following a joint meeting of BNP and its affiliated organisations at Naya Paltan on Wednesday (26 June).

In addition to the 29 June rally, BNP will hold rallies in all metropolitan areas on 1 July and in district towns on 3 July with the same demand.

The BNP Secretary General urged leaders and activists at all levels of the party to participate in these programmes.

He also called on the general public to join the rallies.


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