
Uncontrolled power abuse at top level creating Frankenstein: TIB


TIB has demanded fair compensation for individuals who were coerced by the former police chief into forcibly selling their land

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 7:12 PM, Mon Jun 3rd, 2024

Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) has raised serious alarms regarding revelations surrounding the former Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed, who allegedly amassed a substantial amount of illegal wealth and property through the misuse of his state-granted authority.

The anti-corruption organisation emphasises that the unchecked misuse of power by individuals in high-ranking positions is not only alarming but also reminiscent of creating Frankenstein-like figures such as Benazir, ultimately undermining the state’s accountability mechanisms.

TIB has called for decisive legal action against those aiding and shielding such abuses of power, reads a press release. 

Additionally, TIB has demanded fair compensation for individuals who were coerced by the former police chief into forcibly selling their land.

Information regarding the accumulation of wealth and property by the former police chief is surfacing regularly. The media has reported that most of this wealth and property was acquired through fear tactics, with the former police chief allegedly taking the real owners hostage to force them to sell their land. In many cases, the owners of these lands were minorities. To carry out these actions, the former police chief reportedly arbitrarily employed personnel from his agency and other state-run agencies.

Terming such abuse of power by the top-ranking officer of a law enforcement agency as outrageous, TIB Executive Director Dr. Iftekharuzzaman said, “Allegations that the properties were forcibly acquired through intimidation using the former IGP’s name and his family members, and the collusion of law enforcement and government agency personnel in carrying out these tasks, are truly horrific. Any chance of the victims getting justice for his crimes has also been forcefully blocked. Under such circumstances, there is no alternative to ensuring exemplary punishment for the main accused and the colluders, and to compensate those who were forced to sell their properties out of fear of the former police chief.”

Dr. Iftekharuzzaman has raised questions about how Benazir Ahmed and his family were able to flee the country amid such serious allegations. 

He stated, “Media reports indicate that Benazir fled the country after withdrawing a substantial amount of money from the banks. Given these circumstances, it is truly surprising that someone as controversial as him could leave without anyone noticing. It raises doubts about whether his departure involved collusion, if any bank official assisted in withdrawing and laundering the funds abroad, or if the investigations against him are superficial. It's evident that a certain faction within the power structure has protected him before and continues to do so. Justice cannot be served solely by prosecuting the former police chief; those aiding and abetting him must also face legal consequences.”

The TIB Executive Director further emphasized, “It is unacceptable that the former police chief went unnoticed by the government, especially when he set a shocking precedent by openly engaging in corruption and amassing substantial wealth. In such a scenario, it is logical to presume that the government not only shielded and supported him but also, in some instances, actively encouraged his actions, contributing to the emergence of Frankenstein within the political sphere of bureaucracy.”



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