Govt seeks stay on HC order closing schools during Ramadan

Staff Correspondent

Publisted at 12:59 PM, Mon Mar 11th, 2024

An appeal has been filed with the Appellate Division against the High Court's order suspending the decision to keep schools operational during the holy month of Ramadan.

The application seeking a stay on the HC order will be presented in the Chamber Court of the Appellate Division today, Assistant Attorney General M Saiful Alam told the media today.

On Sunday, the High Court postponed the decision to conduct academic activities for a period of 15 days in government primary schools, and for the initial 10 days in the government and non-government pre-secondary and secondary schools for two months.

The state filed the application today seeking a stay on this High Court order.

In a directive issued on 8 February, the Secondary and Higher Education Division announced its plan to continue academic activities in government and non-government secondary and lower secondary schools from 11 to 25 March, while the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education instructed the continuation of academic activities in government primary schools during the first 10 days of Ramadan.
