Onion seed cultivation target set at 68 metric tonnes in Madhukhali

District Correspondent

Publisted at 11:25 AM, Tue Mar 12th, 2024

This year, the target of onion seed cultivation in Faridpur's Madhukhali has been set at 68 metric tonnes, the current market value of which is around Tk20 crores.

Farmers say that if they get a fair price this time like last season, they will be able to sell the onion seeds, also known as “black gold” for a record amount of money.

This will bring a smile to the faces of onion seed farmers.

According to Madhukhali Upazila Agriculture Extension Department, the farmers will prepare the seed bed next November and plant seedlings after 20 days; it will take time to reach consumers by the end of March.

However, the price of onion has also affected the price of seeds – being expected to be sold at Tk3,000-5,000 per kg.

Nashir Hossain, an onion seed grower in Madhukhali upazila's Jhowhati field, said, "Many people in the area are cultivating seeds now. People who have little land are also cultivating onion seeds on their land. Hopefully, there will be good production.”

Ananda Sarkar, a farmer from Kalaikanda village of Korkadi union of Madhukhali upazila said, "I cultivated onion seeds on five acres of land last year. Got a good price.”

"This year I cultivated seven acres of land. There will be better production than last time. Hopefully, even if we get Tk1 lakh per 40kg, it will be beneficial for us.”

Upazila Agriculture Officer Agriculturist Alvir Rahman said, “The country wants to be self-sufficient in onion production. So the planting target has been increased.”

This year, the target of onion seed cultivation is 170 hectares and the production target is 68 metric tonnes.
