486 killed, 1,054 injured in road accidents in January: Jatri Kalyan Samity

Desk Report

Publisted at 3:07 PM, Sun Feb 25th, 2024

A total of 486 people were killed and 1,054 injured in 521 road accidents in the country in January, said a report by the Jatri Kalyan Samity.

The non-government organisation prepared the report based on news published in various national, and local dailies, online news portals and data from hospitals, said a press release signed by Jatri Kalyan Samity Secretary General Mozammel Haque Chowdhury on Sunday (25 February).

During January, a total of 42 people were killed and 21 injured in 44 railway accidents in the country.

Meanwhile, 6 people have been killed, 13 injured and 3 are still missing in 7 accidents on waterways.

Of the total accidents, 51.63% occured when vehicles got rolled-over and 22.45% occured due to head-on collisions.

33.97% of the total accidents occurred on national highways, 17.08% on regional highways, and 41.48% on feeder roads.

Also, 5.75% of the total accidents occurred in Dhaka city.
