JnU student Khadiza discharged from a DSA case

Desk Report

Publisted at 8:04 PM, Sun Jan 28th, 2024

A Dhaka court has discharged Jagannath University (JnU) student Khadijatul Kubra from one of the two Digital Security Act (DSA) cases. The other case has been postponed for a hearing until February 29.

Dhaka Cyber Tribunal judge AM Zulfiqar Hayat passed the order today (28th February).

Khadija hosted a Facebook webinar where a guest speaker, Delwar Hossain, a retired army officer, made contentious remarks. Following this, two cases were filed against Khadija and Delwar by the Kalabagan and New Market police on October 11 and October 19, 2020, respectively.

Police arrested Khadija on August 27, 2022, over the cases from her home in Mirpur.

Khadija endured over 14 months of jail time in the DSA cases and finally walked out of jail on November 20, 2023, after securing bail from the Supreme Court.

The court dismissed the Kalabagan case today.
