Indian Ocean named after us; if we don't take action, who will?: Indian Navy Chief

Photo: Collected

The Indian Navy is keeping a close watch on the hijacked Bangladeshi vessel MV Abdullah, said India's Chief of Naval Staff Admiral R Hari Kumar.


Publisted at 2:11 PM, Sat Mar 23rd, 2024

The Indian Navy will take affirmative action to ensure there is safety and security in the Indian ocean, Chief of Naval Staff Admiral R Hari Kumar said on Saturday.

The Indian Navy is keeping a close watch on the hijacked Bangladeshi vessel MV Abdullah, he said.

He was speaking on the 100 days of the Indian Navy’s operations for anti-drone, anti-missile and anti-piracy attacks in the Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea and Red Sea.

Earlier, there were 54-55 anti-piracy ships everyday and now it has gone up to 64-65.

"The Indian Navy is very clear about its job. This is the Indian Ocean, named after us, and if we don't take action, then who will?" he said.

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