Govt working to convert waste into fertiliser: Environment minister

Senior Correspondent

Publisted at 4:02 PM, Thu Mar 14th, 2024

In a bid towards achieving more sustainability, the government is working to convert the country’s wastes into fertiliser, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury said.

“The government is working to convert the country's waste into resources. A programme to produce fertiliser from waste is being taken up. From now on, USAID will collect waste from the slums of Dhaka to help the government,” the minister said while talking to the media after a meeting with the delegation of USAID and Dhaka Calling at the secretariat on Thursday (14 March).

“By 2025, around 50,000 tonnes of waste will be produced in various sectors in the country every day. In the future, not only the city, but the waste of all areas will have to be managed. The collected waste will be turned into fertilisers,” he added.

“Fertiliser import will decrease if production of fertiliser from waste starts. This will save us a lot of foreign currency,” said Saber Hossain Chowdhury.

He said the government is analysing the entire ecosystem of waste management.

“For now, solid waste will be dealt with. Human waste, tannery waste, medical waste will also be dealt with gradually,” he added.

The minister said that initiatives will also be taken to recycle single-use plastic.

“Considering the future needs, planning for waste management will be undertaken by identifying the site and acquiring the land,” Saber said.

Concerned about the waste management of Savar Tannery Estate, the environment minister said, “The chromium obtained from the waste is a serious risk to the human body. The Ministry of Environment wants to resolve the matter in discussion with the Ministry of Industry.”
